Recently Jonghyun so excited to Minho, because the drama <For You n Full Blossom> kiss moment. Let him can't sleep (lie) xD And one of lets him excited thing is, Minho stole his sunglasses xD
Click to see his tweet xD -->
Kim Jonghyun Tweet #1
Jonghyun always forgot things where he put, so this time Minho joke with him xD He stole his sunglasses and send him his wearing sunglasses photo to him
26 August 2012
@realjonghyun90 : 난 물건을 잘잃어버리는데 그걸 악용하는 나쁜민호같은것들이 있다
@realjonghyun90: I lose my things often, but there are bad people like Minho who use that for bad things
----Picture Translation----
Minho: (Photo)
Minho: What do you think this is? kekekeke
Jonghyun: Oh kehe. You were the one who stole my sunglasses, huh? I raised a tiger...
Minho: kekekekeke Finders keepers, right?
Jonghyun: You have too many unnecessary thoughts. You're a diaper
and Minho so naught xD Because he took Jonghyun wallet puts inside the fridge o.O
@realjonghyun90 : 예를들면 이렇게 내가지갑을 찾을걸 알고 냉장고에 숨겨둔다거나...
@realjonghyun90 : For example, he knows I'll look for my wallet so he puts it in the fridge like this...
It was so funny xD Choi Minho ar Choi Minho you're seriously naught xD
After that Jonghyun keep thinking again xD
@realjonghyun90 : 내가 벨트를 차고 나갈걸알고 벨트를 허리에 채워둔다거나...
@realjonghyun90 : Or he knows I'll put on a belt when I go out so he puts it on...
haha xD Maybe
@realjonghyun90 : 음..그렇구나 내가 건망증이 심한거구나...
@realjonghyun90 : Mm... I see it's me who just forgets a lot...
@realjonghyun90 :민호가 찾는사람이 임자라고 했다 나도 숙소에서 주인없는 민호방을 찾았다 민호방 내꺼
@realjonghyun90 :Minho said finders keepers. I found Minho's room without its owner in the dorms. Minho's room is mine.
Muhaha xD okok Yours! xD
27 August 2012
One day ago xD Maybe he angry already xD But just joke with Minho again xD He open a composition contest call all fans to edit Minho photo and the point is funny and let him laugh xD
@realjonghyun90 : 귀중한 자료를 제공해주신 엑스포츠뉴스의 모든 관계자분들께 감사드리며 제 1회 `잘가라 최민호!아니 강태준!` 합성 경연대회를 엽니다 이사진으로 웃긴 합성을 해서 보내주시는 분 중 한분을 뽑아 작은 선물을 드립니다
@realjonghyun90 : Thank you to everyone at Xports News for providing this valuable material. The 1st “Goodbye, Choi Minho! I mean Kang Taejun!” composition contest is open. I’ll pick one person who creates something funny with this picture and give them a small present.
Oh! haha xD I join too xD
@realjonghyun90 : 사진한장으로 대회를 개최하는것이 대회의 취지인 민호약올리기에 맞지않는것 같아 논의끝에 무엇이든 민호와 관련된 놀림 혹은 약올림이 가능한 모든 것의 출품을 받습니다 님들 화이팅! (기사사진은 쓰지맙시다 2차가공하면 안된데요 ㄷㄷㄷ 나쪼금 쫄음)
@realjonghyun90 : It doesn't seem right to create a competition to make fun of Minho with one picture. After much thought, I will be accepting any entries related to laughing at and teasing Minho. (Let's not use news pictures though. Reuploading is not allowed shiver shiver shiver. I'm kinda scared.)
Maybe fans said that pic too hard too edit, so now he said all funny Minho will be accepting xD
@realjonghyun90 : 훌륭한 출품작들이 많군요! 열시에 시상식!
@realjonghyun90 : There are a lot of great entries! The award ceremony will be at 10!
Because is a lot of award xD so he start at 10 :)
Click to see his tweet xD -->
Funny Pic for Fans Edited #1 (Minho)
Funny Pic for Fans Edited #2 (Minho)
Funny Pic for Fans Edited #3 (Minho)
Photo 1--> @realjonghyun90 : The start is a sweet, plain award.
Photo 2--> @realjonghyun90 : Speed King Lightning award.
Photo 3--> @realjonghyun90 : Lion, move! award.
Photo 4--> @realjonghyun90 : Nice to meet you, Johnny Depp Award.
Photo 5--> @realjonghyun90 : Min-ternet war award
Photo 6--> @realjonghyun90 : Min-ternet war award 2
Photo 7--> @realjonghyun90 : Reverse situation award
Photo 8--> @realjonghyun90 : Finding hidden Minho award
Photo 9--> @realjonghyun90 : Deodorant necessary award
Photo 10--> @realjonghyun90 : Minho's thoughts award
Photo 11--> @realjonghyun90 : Baby, don't say goodbye. Don't talk to me with those eyes. Baby, say yeah, baby say yeah. You have the expressions of Minho-Lisa Award
Photo 12--> @realjonghyun90 : I'm smiling but I'm crying Award
Photo 13--> @realjonghyun90 : Everyone, good work. This is really fun.
Photo 14--> @realjonghyun90 : A cute Minho who's failed to bring the third picture award
Photo 15--> @realjonghyun90 : If this fails again, I'm going to give up on the cute Minho award
Photo 16--> @realjonghyun90 : I forgot to upload this award
Photo 17--> @realjonghyun90 : I just got a masterpiece through KaTalk Award
Photo 18--> @realjonghyun90 : I laughed so much. The prize is my selca, I'm giving it to everyone who participated
Photo 19--> @realjonghyun90 : Why was a field uploaded... Minho's good looking
I laughed so much of all this about funny photo Minho xD
28 August 2012
@realjonghyun90 : 귀엽당
@realjonghyun90 : Cute right
----Picture Translation----
Jonghyun : Mino ah
Minho : This is war..
lol o.O
@realjonghyun90 : 귀엽다궁
@realjonghyun90 : I’m saying you’re cute
Minho : I’ve seen the picture’s kekeke
Don’t send it again kekeke
Jonghyun : look again
Kim Jonghyun ar Kim Jonghyun you're so funny xD
@realjonghyun90 : 티비에 민호나온당.
@realjonghyun90 : Minho appear on the TV.
Can see that you're so excited for Minho Drama xD
That all my Sharing xD Thanks :)